Mar 13, 2020
Once the creative pitch was over, COMAU - global leader in industrial automation - has decided: it will be our strategic proposal to support the 2020 communication of the Robotics division.
The assignment involves the definition of guidelines for the creation of a multichannel storytelling, aimed at strengthening product and brand awareness in a crucial area of Comau corporate communication.
Even in the new year, in fact, the Robotics sector of COMAU confirms itself as a frontier of innovation, both in the Collaborative (Cobots) and in the Wearable range, with new products and models at the forefront of robotics, automation and industry 4.0.
After defining the concepts for each product family, we developed a strategy for each new entry: from the teaser phase to the reveal and follow up, taking care of the synergy between the social channels (Facebook Instagram and LinkedIn) and the other company touchpoints (video, website , newsletter), as well as the various offline activities.
Not only robots, but a new vision of the future where men and machines work side by side in perfect harmony: a high-level creative and strategic challenge.
Credits: Executive Creative Director: Francesco Milanesio; Lead Art Director: Riccardo Albertazzi; Art Director: Arianna Passaggio; Copywriter: Andrea Omegna; Project Manager: Carlotta Peretti.